Home To Read at 2016

To Read at 2016

December is a time you regret things you want to do, but you fail. And it’s also a moment you try to plan whether it’s realistic or not. One of the things I did for few years is listing books to read at upcoming year. It’s more like making the announcement for my commitment.

There are 3 types of books I love to read; Non-fiction with technical content, humor and satire books and technical books. The following listing is a list of books I picked to read at upcoming year with recommendations from friends and goodreads.com.



It’s one of the IT nonfiction books from Steven Levy and I believe this book tells a story about cryptography, hacking and revolution of hackers. He published several books and the next one I am planning to read is “In The Plex”.

The Naked Future


This book views on the perspective of evolution of technology and its affect on society. From the skimming of first chapter, it seems that the book mainly focus on big data.

Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous


If you are familiar with phrases like darknet, onion network, hacking activism and Anonymous, this is a book to know more about this secret organization that fighting their belief by announcing as cyberwar.

Look Evelyn, Duck Dynasty Wiper Blades. We Should Get Them.: A Collection Of New Essays


The third book from my favorite satire, David Throne and I don’t know what to expect from this one but believe it will be good like previous two. Check out his blog:27b/6 for a taste of his comedy.

The Hitchhiker’s guide to galaxy


I know this classic sci-fi comedy for a while but don’t have a chance to read it. Finally,I decided to put this one for 2016.

Modern Romance


I like the stand-up comedy of this Indian dude and from the tagline, I believe this book is about his ideology on modern relationship. Another fun read,I hope!

F*ck Feelings


Yes..People are messy. They don’t listen to you. But machine does.. People are not logical. They are abstract..but we have to deal with them throughout their life. I hope this book will guide me some tips and tweaks to handle people.

The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse

Yes. I have a thing about zombies and this is like a really good idea to learn building tools and gadget with a story line of zombie apocalypse. Just order Ardunio board and Raspberry Pi and there are lots of things to start some exciting projects.

Linux Bible

Linux Bible

I would be lying If I said I read the entire book cover to cover. This is a tome of Linux and I will pick few chapters I think I should know.

Network Forensic

Network Forensic

I am not a network guy and my knowledge on it is kind of limited. To get a grasp about forensic point of view on network, I think this is one promising to start with.

Currently Reading

Smarter than you think


This is a book about technology and how it is changing human mind, memory and life in general. So far, I learn about a good explanation of AI and Chess and learning how human mind works. This book leave questions and curiosity for the readers.

The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period


A good book to dig into Digital Forensic concepts and procedure with details.

Books read in 2015

At the end of 2014, I wrote a blog post about list of books to read within 2014. I finished some of them and I added more books and swap some out from the list. As for 2015, my life is full with work, thesis writing and can’t spend much time reading books. However,I finished reading few books and let do a quick review on them.

Being Geek

This is a must read book for software developers and programmers who needs tips and guidances about career, development and so on. It is well organized and easy to follow.

Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation

As for formal knowledge about basic principles of Digital Forensic, this is a good starter point to learn fundamental concept about Digital Forensic.

Art of Memory Analysis

“Art of Memory Analysis” written by Volatility core developers. I read this book as a reference on my thesis writing for Memory analysis concepts and principles and I believe this is the best one at this time of writing.

Linux Annoyances for Geeks

Another one is the book I forced myself to read. It’s called “Linux Annoyances for Geeks”. For a deep understanding of Linux Operating system, this is one book to skim.

Me Talk Pretty One Day

I like reading humour and is “Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris. After David Thorne, I found this guy full with humours and sarcastic thoughts. If you like reading comedy book about life in general, check books from this guy.

Dad Is Fat

Another guy is also hilarious in his own way. I like his stand-up comedy and also his writing.

The Zombie Survival Guide

I still don’t know why I enjoy this book. Animations are awesome and it gives strange thoughts and idea about the situation of zombie apocalypse.

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