Home Zotero, Mendeley & Endnote

Zotero, Mendeley & Endnote

Since I’ve been doing research for my master, I have to spend lots of time reading journal and conference papers. The problem is organizing these papers.

I did a little research to find some ways to automate the tedious task of downloading paper,organizing by author,date,conference and so on.

I found some tools which are


It is a good citation tool which is multiplatform and can synchronize your library across your machines. The free account only offers 300 MB webstorage. That’s the only problem I found and I starts with Zotero.


Mendley is the tool I jumped after I run out of Zotero web space. Importing zotero database to Mendley is super easy and also works well with multi-platforms. Tab based UI is more convenient and also possible to search withinn the application. Another feature I love is correcting the citation and detailed information of documents.


EndNote is a commerical tool with 30 days trial. Not available for Linux platform. period. That’s not what I am looking for. Free is good. Free is the best.

Now,I am synchronize zotero and mendeley to get the most out of these tools. Anyway,these tools save my life.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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