Unrivaled Rōnin

Control the distractions with Pomodoro Technique

Most people encounters distractions while working or studying,especially for people who are working with computer. Sometimes, it seems like infeasible to control yourself from unproductive time-consuming behaviors. A lots of ‘ Oops,I should head back to work instead of facebooking or never-ending tweeting.’ One life hack I found out is called Pomodoro Technique. It’s a simple time management technique which is easy to understand and follow. To master it,it may takes a week or so. I am exercising that technique with a help of a chrome plugin called Strict Workflow. It is at least working f...

Zeal Linux Document Browser

I just found out that there is a document browser called Zeal which is inspired by Dash for MacOS. You can save dozens of reference documents into your machine for offline browsing. You can install to your ubunut machine by adding these ppas: //QT5 dependencies && zeal ppa sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jerzy-kozera/zeal-ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install zeal

Online Learning

I beleive there is a future for free education. Sooner or later, people don’t need to go to university to spend time learning skills and knowledge they needed to. Online learning and education can replace it. Tution fees are expensive and it’s quite an investment for students and their parents. There are several initiatives that is working on learning online to a whole new level. In this blog,I like to list down these sites and talk about it by my opinions. Khan Academy It might be the most popular platform for free online learning. Pros:The website is nice and interactive. It includes s...

Shell Scripting(part I)

There is a shell, there is a way… This is the study notes about bash shell-scripting. In part I, I would like to cover basic commands for starters. Prelude I have a memory shortage condition and this is just to warm up my scripting skills. Don’t expect to explain things. If you have strong imagination,that might works. Some Env Setup alias create shortcut to save your fingers $ alias l='ls' $ alias ll='ls -l' $ alias c='cd' $ alias cc='cd ..' $ set completion-ignore-case On fuck the case-sensitive ’#!/bin/bash’ this ‘#i’ is called shebang. Declares that you are start banging with ba...

Apps for productivity and focus

Nowadays, it is full with distractions, especially for people working with computers like me. You working on one thing and your mind is forcing you to open facebook tab or scroll down new tweets. How to adjust your time management or change your bad habits? I took a help from these tools and it is working. So,the question is what are these tools? Rescuetime It is a tool that tracks how you spend time on your machine and analyzes the productivity. It also has the browser extension and able to analyze the categories of website you are spending time with. Momentum This is a chrome exten...

Browser Architecture and Capability of forensic study on private browsing

Introduction Apparently,I am researching on Digital Forensic topic, specifically in browser forensic. This is the gists of my literature review of browser architecture and private browsing methodology. For Literature review,I started with reading dozen of papers related with digital forensic. I did a summary of what going on with digital forensic field to realize and to make feasibility decision about my research. You can look at the brief presentations at the end of this article. For browser forensic, I need to learn list of topics including file system,file carving, DF data formats, Sql...

Unusual incidents

Crazy shits happen to all people. These are situations I am afraid it will happen to me. The order are in ascending of the scariness. slip from the platform,fall down to the road and vehicle runs over my head point metal spear-shaped rod fall into my head someone breaks into my apartment and kill me in my sleep elevator malfunction and cut through my body through half while I am approaching into it Two vehicles hit me at the same time in the middle of the road and I have no idea that I gonna die terribly I am relaxing in my apartment and the whole apartment electrocuted. Thu...

Terminal emulator inside browser

For guys who use terminal a lot and guys who just wanna play with new things, this is another thing the first time I try. It’s a terminal emulator but in your browser. The clos experience I had is a chrome plugin,which can make SSL & FTP connection. But a terminal…I give it a try and it’s working. Installation if you don’t have pip client to install python package, sudo apt-get install python-pip Install butterfly afterwards. sudo pip install butterfly #instal butterfly.server.py #launch Go to desired browser and open localhost:57575 and test it out. For more informa...


You left me. You left us. Been 103 days.. Mom is still weeping. Experience of encountering death shocks me. We ain’t best father and son relationship. No best father… No best son in the world… But I only had one dad And Now… Count down to zero. Regret I’ve been red to you. Wish I had last words with you I am thankful for your teaching and inspiration Go… Have a peaceful life In this word In another world Wait for me. I wanna finish the last conversation with you.. R.I.P… Dad Grateful & Thinking about you until I die

Books for 2014

These days,people stop reading books. Technology plays a great role in that. It changes lifestyle of people, including me. It’ve been a while I stop reading actual books such as fictions, non-fictions and novels. I spent more time reading on ‘information live for a short term period’ stuffs. Sources like twitter, RSS reader and news curated media changes the way I read. Now, I decided to change my reading habit back to old-fashioned style. Back to committed reading!! I selected to read at least 1 books per month.(Not included comics and graphic novels.) 2014 Selected Books I’ll Go Home...